Honolulu Fireworks Disposal Explosion

A Loaded Magazine

The Honolulu Fireworks Disposal Explosion

Following a NASA Office of Inspector General (IG) Review of NASA's Explosive Safety Program, we look to learn from an industry example where poor oversight, a lack of training and a void of industry regulation led to a deadly energetic material accident. With tight U.S. regulations on fireworks manufacturing, it comes as no surprise that the majority of fireworks consumed in the U.S. are foreign imports — with these imports come mislabeled or questionable materials that could prove to be dangerous to the public. Once inspected and seized by law enforcement, these contraband fireworks must be destroyed. The subcontractor tasked with disposing of these fireworks attempted to destroy them without the proper training and was permitted to do so because safety regulations on multiple levels failed to address disposal of hazardous materials like fireworks. As the agency implements its plan to improve its explosive safety program, we can reflect on potential consequences of insufficient barriers and controls.