Ruminations, Myths and Unreliable Facts

Ruminations, Myths and Unreliable Facts

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Ruminations, Myths and Unreliable Facts

Henry Livingston, an engineering fellow and technical director at BAE Systems Electronic Systems, is in the process of writing a series of essays — "Ruminations, Myths and Unreliable Facts" — that provides insight on the serious and growing issue of counterfeit parts. The Introduction and Chapters 1-2 are now available on his website.The series is written from Livingston’s perspective as a U.S. defense electronics professional.

As a leader in counterfeit part avoidance methods, Livingston has helped establish detection and avoidance practices to prevent the infiltration of counterfeit electronic parts into defense and space applications. He has published numerous papers and articles, and participated in government and industry conferences, seminars and training.