New Safety and Mission Assurance Website

New Safety and Mission Assurance Website

1-minute read
OSMA Website

Welcome to our new website. This public site provides Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) news to NASA’s SMA community and our partners.

With the community spread across all centers and component facilities, the new Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA) website gives SMA personnel a place to come together, share ideas and learn from one another. The website’s News section is a collection of articles about the most recent happenings around the agency to keep disciplines, programs and projects aware of what other groups are doing.

The website also includes a Policies section that reports which policies were recently updated, which are currently in review and which will be reviewed in the near future. The Videos section includes Policy Bytes, which cover recent changes to requirements, and other videos, and the Safety Messages section shares Chief of OSMA Terry Wilcutt’s monthly messages for the community.

In the coming months, the website will grow to encompass more and more SMA information so check back often.

Please take a few minutes to look around the new site. If you have a topic you’d like to see covered or have any questions, contact us at